Huipil Ceremonial Dresses in Merida Mexico

“The huipil has been worn by indigenous Mesoamerican women of both high and low social rank since well before the Spanish invasion. A characteristic item of Aztec clothing, it remains the most common female indigenous garment still in use.”

I have always had a desire to give back and help others. A couple of years ago I was able to connect with an organization that allowed me to do just that. After a few trips with Chair the Hope, I got this idea, I could stay an extra week and do my own project to give back. I organized the project and we were able to photograph around 25 families while we were there. 

The project was started in Merida Mexico this June. I had been in Merida a couple of months before that and during that trip, I was in a home and noticed that the only photo they had was one of them at their wedding 60-something years ago! As we were leaving I snapped a couple of photos of an older couple that was beautiful. When I got home I could not stop thinking about how I needed to get more families like that photos. So I took the scary leap of planning an event in another country and having the faith that the people I got involved with would do their part. They went above and beyond. I was so grateful. It is hard to find people who will share your passion for a project. 

When I got to this house, these two were sitting outside waiting for us. The beautiful connection I saw was too good not to capture. Their Huipil dresses are so beautiful. I love being able to capture true connections. The culture in Mexico is so beautiful 

It was such a fulfilling experience. I have been inspired beyond my abilities haha! Now I am working to put together a presentation to see if I can get a few sponsors on board to help me keep this going. I have a dream of traveling the world to give as many people as I can beautiful portraits they can treasure forever.  If you have any ideas or tips I am all ears!

Thank you for stopping by to read more about this photo and the journey to taking it. 


Women’s Baseball in Merida


KTVB Interview